Winter is a common time for pests to invade your home. Quiet, dark, low-traffic places like your attic are popular spots for infestation. But when these pests do invade, it’s not always easy to spot the problem right away. And sometimes when you notice the issue, it may have already caused some damage. They key is to recognize the signs early on, so you can take action before things get worse. Here’s how you can tell if pests have made themselves at home in your attic:
Unusual Noises in the Ceiling or Walls
One of the most obvious signs of an attic infestation is hearing strange noises coming from above. These can take the form of scratching, scurrying, or thumping, especially during the night when the house is quiet. Mice, rats, squirrels, and even bats are known to make these noises as they move around, search for food, or create nests. If you hear these sounds consistently, it’s a sign that you might have unwanted guests in your attic.
Droppings or Feces
Another obvious sign of pests is the presence of droppings. Rodents, in particular, tend to leave their waste behind as they forage for food. You might notice small, dark, droppings scattered around your attic or near entry points. Insects like cockroaches and termites also leave behind signs of their presence, though their droppings tend to be much smaller and harder to spot. If you see feces in your attic, it might be time to investigate further.
Damaged Insulation or Chewed Wiring
Pests such as rats and squirrels love to chew on things, and your attic’s insulation or wiring is no exception. If you notice areas where insulation is damaged or wires appear to have been gnawed on, it’s a strong indication of a rodent problem. This type of damage not only compromises the structure of your home, but also poses a fire hazard if wiring is involved.
Strange Smells
Sometimes, the first sign that pests are in your attic is a lingering, unpleasant odor. This could be from urine, feces, or decaying animals. As pests infest your attic, their waste and carcasses can create a foul, musty smell that can seep into other parts of your home. If you notice an odd smell that you can’t trace, your attic might be the source.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to quickly take action. Pests in your attic can lead to costly damage. The longer they remain, the more difficult they are to remove. If you think you’re dealing with a pest infestation, call Peachtree Pest Control Inc. for professional help. Our experts will assess the situation and provide the right solutions to keep your attic pest-free. Reach out today for a free estimate!